Our Work

Governments & Social Security Agencies

i.e. Muhanna & Co. provides several management services for the prolongation of Social Security Fund sustainability.

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Insurance Sector

i.e. Muhanna & Co. aids insurance companies in maintaining the products they offer whether that incorporates Pricing, Reserving, etc.

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Employee Benefit Schemes

i.e. Muhanna & Co. determines the Provisions to set aside related Employee End-of-Service Benefits as stipulated by standards of practice.

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Advisory Services

i.e. Muhanna & Co. provides additional management and advisory services in miscellaneous activities within the sector.

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Rating Services

Muhanna & co. Rating Services is an independent rating agency that relies deeply on business knowledge, both locally and internationally, understands the business processes and performance and tracks financial records.

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Education & Capacity Building

i.e. Muhanna & Co. provides seminars and workshops built specifically for the enhancement of actuaries at all professional and educational levels.

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How Can We Help You?

Contact us at our office nearest to you to submit a business inquiry or inquire about joining our team.

For the last 30 years, we have been committed to improving the financial stability and economic growth of our region through helping organizations and governments understand, manage, and mitigate their own financial risk.

Ibrahim Muhanna
Founder & Managing Director , i.e. Muhanna & Co.

World-class actuarial consulting firm serving the MENA and East Africa since 1986.